Monday, 20 September 2010

Wednesday 15th september SURGERY

7.30am and we are up on ward G5, the receptionist shows us to my bed and tells us that a nurse will be along in a bit to book me in properly... and then she left us, Me and Dave put all my things away and then looked at each other... it was today, it was really going to happen.... we just sat down and held each others hands and waited.... the surgeon came and spoke to us and said "you are having both operated on today?" then he drew all over me, circles on my breasts and arrows pointing down my arms, then he told me I was last on the list so he would see me about 1ish, and then he left.
I then had Jenna (the registrar) come to see us and she helped put my mind at ease, the another young surgeon came  and explained what would be happening and then finally the anesthetist came and she explained because I was having surgery on both sides, she might have to put the cannula in my foot...... all of a sudden it was 12.55 and Dave said he had to go, but didn't want to leave me alone, I told him that I would be fine and I walked him to the lift, as I got back to my room, the nurse was waiting for me saying, it's your turn now... so I banged on the door to the lift and Dave waited until we came through, he felt better knowing that I wasn't waiting on my own, and I felt better knowing he wasn't worrying too much... Dave gave me a kiss and cuddle and told me he would see me when I woke up, then he left and me and the nurse walked through to the theatre, and I suddenly realised that I was crying, it was all so real and so now.
I sat on the trolley and answered all the questions that they asked me, I told them I was scared, but they assured me they would look after me.... the anesthetist told me she was putting something in my hand that would me me sleep..... and then there was nothing! 

1 comment:

  1. So nice to have you back.It is such a strange situation isnt it?Someone saving your life by removing parts of your body and you have no control over it all.Surgeons have a really wierd job!All those painful twinges will go but make sure you do the exercises.Hope you can find a comfortable position for sleeping.Take care lovely
    Rose xxx
